Simplifying Payroll: Importing Attendance or Biometrics into Your PayrollHero Account

Hey there, business owners and HR managers! Let’s talk about how you can simplify your payroll process with PayrollHero by importing attendance or biometrics data. Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

Why bother with importing attendance?

If you’re still manually inputting attendance data or relying on outdated systems, it’s time to upgrade. Importing attendance or biometrics into PayrollHero streamlines your payroll process, reduces errors, and saves you valuable time. Plus, it ensures accuracy and compliance with labor laws, which is crucial for any business.


  • Time-saving
  • Accuracy
  • Compliance
  • Employee satisfaction

In a nutshell, importing attendance or biometrics into PayrollHero streamlines your payroll process, saving you time and reducing errors. It’s a win-win for you and your team!

Feel free to try PayrollHero with our 30 days FREE trial. Just sign up here –

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