#VanRuby Hack Night and Co-Working @ Launch Academy

Yesterday Piotr (Engineering & Co-Founder) was in the city again, enjoying a day of co-working, Ruby hacking and wall-to-wall sunshine.

Piotr spent the day co-working at Launch Academy as they were also playing host to the bi-monthly #VanRuby meetup, Ruby Hack Night.

Ruby Hack Night @ Launch Academy

#VanRuby Logo

#VanRuby Hack Nights are back, and are now being held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The Ruby Hack nights have a very different focus to the #VanRuby Social Lightning Talk event we were at last week. For this meetup everyone turns up with their own laptop and spends the night communally hacking away at their favourite open-source project. It’s essentially a bunch of developers jamming together in a room, bouncing ideas off each other if they get stuck on a problem. In #VanRuby’s words, “we all get together and hack on cool stuff!”

Piotr was working on a project to help get more visibility during a deployment process. If this is the kind of project you’re interested, you can check it out here, on GitHub.

Who are Launch Academy?

Launch Academy categorizes itself as a hybrid incubator, accelerator and alternative education centre. As well as housing 70 startups and 120 entrepreneurs they share their space with companies like Microsoft and GrowLab.

Here’s a quick video about their services, it’s not hard to see why they’re so successful!


The next #VanRuby Hack Night is on June 18th at Launch Academy, will we see you there? Leave a comment below if you plan to attend, it would be good to meet you.

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