Attention Singapore Restaurants | Singapore Payroll Software

Our next event is coming up. On April 14th at 1:30pm we are holding a free event in our Singapore office for restaurant owners and managers who want to learn more about how PayrollHero works within the restaurant industry.

Come learn about PayrollHero’s time, attendance, scheduling, HRIS, business intelligence and Singapore payroll platform and how it can work within your restaurant.

This free event is a perfect way to learn more about PayrollHero and see if there is a fit for your business!

Register Here, space is limited.

Plus, PayrollHero qualifies for Spring’s Innovation & Capability Voucher (ICV) – Integrated Solutions (IS) – fill in your information here to see if your qualified.

Why should you attend? 

1. Learn how PayrollHero’s time/attendance platform eliminates fraud
2. See the platform in action
3. Learn why Krispy Kreme, The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf and others use PayrollHero
4. Get your questions answered
5. Understand the costs of not having a proper platform in place
6. Plus much more…

Singapore Payroll Software by PayrollHero

Here is what Earl Chua has to say about PayrollHero for his restaurant chain:

Choose Your Adventure to Learn About PayrollHero

Payroll Hero Payroll Software

Different people like to communicate in different ways. That is why we communicate with people interested in learning more about PayrollHero in different ways.

You can go the traditional route and check out our websites, you can learn more about our business, what we do in our free time, who is on our team, the charities we support, etc from this blog. If your feeling social, we are on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.  If you want the real deal, straight from the adventure engineering team then check out the release notes. More of a research person, you can dig through our knowledge-base all day long. They are hundreds of articles on how PayrollHero works. If you prefer to sit back and watch, our YouTube channel has tons of videos.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out as we would be pleased to help.

New Feature: Additional Threshold Settings

philippine payroll software

PayrollHero’s resolve attendance functionality is a robust tool that lets your managers make decisions on infractions coming from employee time and attendance. PayrollHero not only tracks employee time and attendance data, but serves up powered analytics so that the employee and management can see the results. Plus, the resolve attendance tool tracks what infractions are being adjusted to and who is doing the adjusting. It is a fantastic way to have your finger on the pulse of your teams time and attendance.

We added 3 more thresholds to make managing attendance even easier.

1. Unscheduled Work:

We have added the ability to auto resolve unscheduled work. With this setting you can decide if you would like auto approve certain amount of time for your employees shift, or consider certain amount of time as part of the schedule.

For example:
Hiro has a 9am to 5pm shift. He clocks out at 5.45pm.
If Submit as is is configured for 60 minutes, 45 minutes will be added to Hiro’s shift without you having to resolve this attendance.
If Revert to Schedule is configured for 60 minutes, Hiro’s clock out will revert back to 5pm without you having to resolve this attendance.

If Hiro has the same 9am to 5pm shift and he clocks out at 6.15pm, and either of this settings is configured for 60 minutes you will have to resolve his attendance.

resolving attendance payroll dtr

You can find more details about setting up the Unscheduled Work threshold on our Automatically resolving unscheduled work Knowledge Base article.


2. Undertime

This threshold gives you the ability to auto resolve under time work. With this, you can auto submit as is or revert to schedule certain amount of time when an employee does not complete the shift.

For example:
Hiro has a 9am to 5pm shift. He clocks out at 4.55pm.
If Submit as is is configured for 15 minutes, 5 minutes will be subtracted from Hiro’s shift without you having to resolve this attendance.
If Revert to Schedule is configured for 15 minutes, Hiro’s clock out will revert back to 5pm without you having to resolve this attendance.

If Hiro has the same 9am to 5pm shift and he clocks out at 4.30pm, and either of this settings is configured for 15 minutes you will have to resolve this attendance.

dtr undertime

You can find more details about setting up the Undertime threshold on our Auto resolution of Undertime Knowledge Base article.

3. Multiple Clock Ins / Outs

This threshold is particularly useful for employees that forgot if they did or not clock in already and clock in again to make sure before the system gets to update, and for settings where the internet connection is a bit unstable and employees clock in or out multiple times because their status not being updated.

With this threshold you can configure the amount of time between 2 or more clockings to be considered the same.

So for example Hiro clocks in at 9.00am and a bit unsure if he had clocked in or not correctly because internet was down that morning at his office, he goes back and clocks in again at 9.03am.
If this threshold is configured for 5 minutes:

Use the earliest clock in as their clock in time: Hiro’s 9.03am clock in is ignored and no duplicate clock in will need to be resolved as the 9.00am is submitted automatically.
Use the latest clock in as their clock in time: Hiro’s 9.00am clock in is ignored and no duplicate clock in will need to be resolved as the 9.03am clocking is submitted automatically.

With this setting we are confident that most if not all duplicate clocking resolutions will be gone!

attendance management tool

You can find more details about setting up the resolution for Multiple Clockings on our Multipliers Knowledge Base.


New: Offline Support comes to TeamClock Android

punch clock for android offlineGreat news, we have just release an update to the TeamClock Android app within the Google Play Store. This version supports offline clocking and breaks. If your device looses it’s internet connection your employees can continue to clock in, take breaks, clock out and the data will be stored on the device until an internet connection is re-established.

When the device connects to the internet the clockings and breaks will be sent to web application for attendance processing.

Now, PayrollHero’s TeamClock Chrome, TeamClock iOS and TeamClock Android all support offline mode.

Tired of Commuting?

philippine traffic problemsEditors Note: Introducing Kieran Peppiatt, Head of Client Success at PayrollHero. He will be contributing to the PayrollHero blog from time to time. 

So it might seem a bit peculiar to make my inaugural post to be about commuting! I actually plan to write about Client Success in the Philippines. However, if you live in the Philippines you’ll know it’s a pretty big problem. Traffic in Manila is some of the worst I have experienced. There are now over one billion cars on the planet and I am pretty sure they’re all here!

According to the average American’s commute to work is 25 ½ minutes, well the average commute in the Philippines is around 2 hours. The Philippine’s is ranked 9th worst for traffic in the world, and although that’s better than their airport rating it’s still not a ranking to be proud of.

Manila’s rush hour, like any, is a total misnomer. In fact the Philippine government estimates that Manila’s traffic costs the country around $3 billion per year. This is from wasted fuel, break downs, road works, deaths (you will go nowhere in an ambulance) and productivity.

Something to think about…

What does commuting mean for ensuring clients are successful?

Studies have shown that commuting will increase your blood sugar levels, cholesterol and likelihood of depression. The UK office of national statistics has also shown that your anxiety levels drastically increase, and another study by the University of Utah shows that your blood pressure temporarily spikes as direct result of a long commute.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg and keep in mind that all of these studies based their findings on commutes that exceed thirty minutes, which is way below the standard here in the Philippines.

Think about that for a moment. Your team arrive, there was a big pile up on the highway.  There late and already frustrated before they’ve even logged in to their computer. There’s a backlog of tickets because they’re only just in the door. Is that really going to create an environment that is conducive to excellent customer service?

Commuting means it’s not 9 to 5… it’s more like 7 till 7.

It’s really hard to build a team of truly exceptional employees in any industry. Add to the fact that even a two mile commute is a one hour mission. It starts to shrink the area of your employment pool. People just don’t want the hassle and who would? If you commute for two hours each way you are wasting 43 days of your life every year stuck in traffic. Not to mention the travel conditions for some commuters.

When it comes to Client Success attracting the right people is important. Without truly empathetic people whatever you try it’s all irrelevant. You want people who instinctively put themselves in the clients shoes, who can evaluate situations quickly, figure out a problem and act to create an environment in which your clients can thrive. These types of people are hard to come by.

So, how do you get them to commute to you? What should you do to try and attract the right talent into making the trip every day to your office? You don’t. We made a rule, you either live within walking distance of the office or you don’t come in. All you need to have is a computer and internet connection that is good enough to bring the office to you.

It’s quite early in our trials and this is definitely going to be a topic that I write about in the future. I’ll keep you guys informed on what we learn from it. That said, the staff who have opted to go down this route are genuinely happier and definitely more productive. They choose to spend more time helping out and don’t have to worry about getting up early to commute to work, or leaving late to miss the traffic home.

The plan is to meet up every second weekend so we can have face to face time, good food and a few drinks. We will also do a retroactive look back on the last two weeks. This is where we can see what we did well, not so well and most importantly learn how we can improve. Something I definitely plan to share more with you on in the future.

By the way, if you didn’t notice we’re hiring in a big way. If you love customers even more than we hate commuting get in touch.

New: Employee Financial Institution Enrolment Authentication Policy

security payroll softwareAs we continue to expand our payroll software platform we are adding a new function to our onboarding process. Now, when a new customer is onboarded or a customer adds a new employee to their account they can authenticate their employees bank accounts. This will ensure that the right employee is paid when running payroll and eliminate any issues or fraud, ghost employees or data entry errors when dealing with financial institutions.

The policy is being added to our terms of service but you can read it below:

PayrollHero’s platform enables clients to authenticate all employee’s bank accounts by doing two deposits of random amounts into each employees bank account. The employee then confirms the deposit amounts within PayrollHero to verify that their bank account is correct.

This process ensures that the right employee is paid the right amount into the right financial institution account.  

If the client has completed this process and their is an issue with the bank deposits, PayrollHero will apply the following service credits to the clients PayrollHero account:

– 100% of their month’s fees will be credited on their next invoice

If the client has NOT completed this process and their is an issue related to bank accounts receiving an incorrect amount, the client is completely responsible.

PageUp: Talented Philippines HR Book Launch

PageUp: Talented Philippines HR Industry Summit and Book Launch

Our friends at PageUp have a book launch coming up in the Philippines for their latest book “Talented Philippines”. If you are looking to learn more about HR in the Philippines and grab a copy of their latest book, then register for their event.

Event Details:
Talented Philippines Book Launch & Summit

Date: Wednesday 18th March, 2015
Time: 10.45am – 3.30pm PHT
Venue: Dusit Thani Manila, Mayuree II Room
Location: Ayala Centre, 1223 Makati City
Metro Manila, Philippines

You must register so that you are able to get into the event.

From their email:

Don’t miss the chance to:

  • Be among the first in the Philippines to preview this newly released publication;
  • Meet the authors and contributors and purchase your very own copy of the book for a launch day-only special price; 
  • Network with a selected group of top HR professionals; and
  • Exchange ideas on best practices, trends and new innovations for managing talent in this exciting growth market.
10.45am   Registration & Morning Tea
11.15am   Talented Philippines Summit
12.30pm   Networking Lunch
1.30pm   Talented Philippines Summit
3.00pm   Afternoon Tea
3.30pm   Close

Benefits of SaaS | Payroll Software

PayrollHero is hiringIn the past, businesses would buy, build and maintain their own software and infrastructures despite the massive costs that went along with that. Software as a Service (SaaS) now gives companies a choice when upgrading their technical requirements. Now they can subscribe to services that are built on shared infrastructure through the internet. SaaS businesses have been expanding in a big way as more and more companies take advantage of the many benefits.

Instead of buying servers, companies use platforms like Amazon’s AWS.
Instead of buying a sales crm, companies use tools like PipelineDeals.
Instead of building a email tool, businesses use tools like MailChimp.

The list goes on and on.

Here are some benefits of moving your payroll needs to a software as a service platform like PayrollHero:

– High Adoption –
SaaS products are available from any computer connected to the internet. For PayrollHero, your team is not stuck managing payroll from a specific computer that has the software installed, instead they can access it from anywhere in the world.

– Lower Initial Costs –
PayrollHero’s SaaS model lets you scale up and down as needed. Our billing is based on the number of active employees within your business, plus, it is billed per day the employee is active.

– Painless Upgrades –
SaaS enables you to constantly get the newest features, bug fixes and enhancements quickly and easily. With PayrollHero, you can see what is happening by checking out our release notes.

– Seemless Integration – 
Many SaaS companies provide API’s so that you can tie one product into another. PayrollHero is no different, with an extensive API, you can make PayrollHero work with many other tools within your business. Some of our clients have integrated PayrollHero with Quickbooks, Workday, Zapier and much more.

Interested in learning more? Reach out and we would be pleased to chat further about how PayrollHero’s Singapore payroll software, Philippine payroll software works as well as how our international time and attendance tools can help you take control of your business.