New Leaf Ventures’ Better Business Brunch: The Winning Entrepreneur – 5 Lessons that Will Bring You Success

Our friends at New Leaf Ventures have another fantastic event coming up at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf 26th Street Bistro in the NetLima building.  One January 25th 2014, come learn about “The Winning Entrepreneur – 5 Lessons that Will Bring You Success”.  It is a free event, but you must register to attend.


Be sure to Like us on Facebook/PayrollHero

How do you Measure Success in Your Business?

Be Happy You Deserve It!This is one of the most valuable questions to ask not only yourself but every staff member you have at your company. You will be surprised at the results and you will see how people curtail their roles into their answers like almost biased but inevitable responses. Generic responses may seem the clear answer but breaking down your initial thoughts to the very basis of what your company is trying to achieve on a daily basis will show how you should be aligning your strategy.

Key words will pop up such as profit, growing clientele base, customer satisfaction, employee happiness, market share, the list goes on forever and at the end of the day they primarily revolve around money. You have to look past the paper though and analyze what is it that actually will take your business to being a leader. My answer is learning. As a start up or a lifelong veteran business, the key to being an expert in any category is how quickly you can learn every aspect that drives your business. Acquiring new customers is great and pretty much a requirement but looking at a number increase or decrease is meaningless. You must learn why new customers wanted to use your product or service and why several did not. The answer to this question will be what truly drives your growth. Learning through feedback channels what is working well at your company and what needs to be changed is a triumph. Any company can experience these triumphs everyday if you are taking the time to figure out better processes and solutions. The firms that don’t take the time to learn from their mistakes and the changing environment are the ones that will not exist next year simple as that. With this I challenge you to examine what successes can be unveiled that will contribute to your goals. What will you analyze about your industry and product that will truly give you a clearer approach to your strategy? What do you still need to figure out to be the best at what you do?

Happy Employees Save you Money


“When employees feel that the company takes their interest to heart, then the employees will take company interests to heart” Noelle C. Nelson from her book Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy.

It seems that most companies have heard or been taught how happy employees save your company money but few have changed their regimens or implemented any real tactics to help.  Looking at the statistic in the photo above however, you may place a bit more priority on the issue.  Focusing on only the monetary benefits is eye opening but it is truly the qualitative benefits that derive from a happy workforce that stand out.

Making your employees happy by providing a quality work environment and dependable resources will improve productivity, engagement, results, idea creation and creativity. When I mention dependable resources I am also referring to pay. Arguably one of the most basic crucial requirements someone working has. Anyone who has been waiting on a company to receive a pay check that never seems dependable or always late can highly damage the loyalty an employee feels to their firm. We like to help eliminate this for our customers by creating a dependable payroll solution that ensures timeliness and abundant data that employees need like previous pay stubs, vacation hours, taxes, change of address and a schedule that is viewable anywhere in the world. You must improve your employees work life as much as possible; prove your company has compassion and is held accountable to your word and they will reward you with results. Your company will save money in productivity right before your eyes with a ramped up work force that feel a part of something. Take a look at to see how our platform and time attendance app TeamClock can help simplify your business and keep your valuable employees smiling everyday. We thrive on helping business owners learn more about their company to help grow it and improve work life for employees across the globe using PayrollHero.

We Are Hiring #AdventureEngineers – Are You Up For It?

Watch our video below that explains how #AdventureEngineers work and what makes PayrollHero different:

5 Ways Employees Could Be Scamming Your Time and Attendance System

Time and attendance fraud is a costly and often hidden aspect of almost every business. Over the years we have seen and heard about many ways employees have been abusing the system to squeeze out extra time.  Image an employee that shows up 5 minutes late every day and leaves 4 minutes early.  Those 9 minutes add up to 40 hours over a 1 year period. That is an extra paid week for unworked time.  Here are 5 ways that employees could be scamming your time and attendance system;

1. Buddy Punching – if your company uses passwords, punch cards or the like for employee clock in/out then chances are you have some employees who clock in and or out for each other.

2. Inflated Hours – if you have a manager using a paper based (or excel) time and attendance solution chances are you have inflated hours in there.  If an employee walks in a few minutes late, in many cases the manager will mark the employee as on time. It is a hard place for a manager to be, while they want hard working employees, they also want to be seen as “friendly” so their tracking might not be as accurate as an automated system is.

3. Ghost Employees – not specifically a time and attendance problem, but larger companies, government organizations, etc can have ghost employees within their organization.  This can happen when an employee in the payroll department adds a family member, friend, etc to the payroll but that person does not actually work for the company.

4. Favouritism – when managers pick and choose who gets overtime or have the power to override attendance records there can be some leakage.

5. Inaccurate Data Entry – when an employee is tasked with coping over time and attendance data from time cards or time sheets simple human errors can find their way into attendance or worse, an unscrupulous employee could adjust the numbers on purpose.

These are just five examples of time and attendance fraud that goes on within companies. Have you heard of other examples?  

If you want to learn more about how PayrollHero eliminates these issues, reach out to us for a one on one call with one of our sales engineers.

Employees Value Workplace Freedom

I love my job

At PayrollHero we proudly acknowledge the changing work place environment that is known as ROWE.  ROWE stands for Results Only Work Environment which embodies the idea that employees are given the freedom to eliminate daily tasks that eat into their time so they can focus on doing what they were hired to do.  Employees are evaluated solely on what they accomplish not on filling 8 hours.  This allows some of our staff to take their morning to go skiing or relax and work in the afternoon if they so choose as long as there is no team related obligations.  It takes the stress out of situations where you may be stuck in traffic or have obligations such as medical appointments or you simply want to see a concert on a certain night.  This level of freedom allows our staff to be comfortable, happy, and most importantly productive.  For a company like ours and likely yours, results are the only thing you measure at the end of the day so why use an outdated employee structure that contradicts your goal.  Understandably ROWE does not implement for all types of businesses but keeping the central concept alive is still very applicable.  Doing so can unlock a lot of potential for companies that are able to trust their dedicated staff and give space to invoke creativity.

PayrollHero Newest Videos

We have been pumping out some videos lately to showcase the PayrollHero platform as well as some of our clients.  Here are a few of our newest videos;

PayrollHero Christmas 2013

We held this years Christmas dinner for the Whistler team last night and it was a great event.  PayrollHero along with our officemates from shared a meal, drinks, the famous Filipino Balut and some fun games.  Here are a few pictures from the night;

unnamed(Stephen Jagger and Michael Stephenson)


unnamed-2(Ron from PayrollHero showing us how to take down a Balut egg)
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Every year Oxford Dictionaries announces their word of the year based on criteria including prominence of the word over the year prior and general usage, awareness and influence on society.  For 2013, the word of the year was declared as “Selfie!” or in other words the action of taking a photo of oneself with their own camera or phone.  Many say it was the introduction of social media sites like Myspace and Facebook that started the adoption of the word but it was truly the second generation of smartphone addiction that jumped the term into the category of word of the year.  Highly popular sharing apps like Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat and Vine have led to a generation of highly social individuals who like to reveal their own daily adventures for people to see.

 We at PayrollHero find the award amusing as we are the king of selfies.  By volume, we don’t think anyone is even close to us at over 700,000 photo clock in and outs taken thus far with our PhotoBooth platform.  Thats a few more than any teenage girl you can name and for that we are proud.  Our TeamClock app which uses facial recognition allows employees to do away with the old mundane punch clock and have a more fun way to be welcomed to their work.  With it being more entertaining and making employees smile everyday, it also turns a traditionally annoying process into an incredibly insightful and useful business tool for managers and business owners.  Our system allows you to see who is working, late or absent in real time from anywhere in the world and tracks the data overtime to show analytics on attendance with metrics involving correlation of weather, commute distance and company leaders.

With this note, keep on showing those beautiful smiles everyone!