Singapore’s Ikeda Spa Chooses PayrollHero

Ikeda Spa Singapore

Singapore’s first Japanese day spa, Ikeda Spa has moved their time, attendance and payroll needs to PayrollHero’s Singapore payroll platform. Co-founder Eric Tan said “I choose PayrollHero for my spa chain as I have stores across Singapore and I was in need of a complete, end to end solution that not only helped manage my time and attendance but my payroll. PayrollHero’s tool was exactly what I need. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to other business owners in Singapore”.

PayrollHero’s platform is built with specific tools for multi-location restaurant and retail chains like Ikeda Spa. Want to learn more? Reach out anytime.

The Dark, Ghastly World of Manual Scheduling and Attendance


Psst! Are you still using punch cards, time clocks, or any other form of manual scheduling to track employee attendance and schedule? If you are, we have bad news.

Sit down for a minute and consider the following statistics:

  • A full 95 percent of employees steal from their employers through time theft. More than 30 percent of these employees perform time theft by writing in earlier arrivals or later departures, or having a co-worker clock them in or out,  – 2013 survey, Kessler International
  • Buddy punching accounts for 2.2 percent of gross payroll losses – Nucleus Research
  • Businesses lose an average of 4.5 hours per week per employee in time theft – that’s more than half the amount you pay for a regular employee in a day. – American Payroll Association
  • Each year it costs companies an average of $65 per employee to collect, calculate and enter payroll data. Unauthorized overtime adds yet another $292 per employee, and mistakes in time calculation and employee fraud combined cost an additional $430 per employee. Therefore, manual timekeeping methods cost companies an average of $787 per employee annually. – G&A Partners

The aforementioned figures are worth pondering, right?

Now let’s dig further into the dark, ghastly world of manual scheduling and attendance.


The Deceitful Paper-Based Time Sheet

Paper-based scheduling and attendance can be as simple as jotting down everyone’s name in one column and putting in the number of hours they’ve done in a week on another column. Often, login and logout times are jotted down too. It sounds uncomplicated but here’s why this method is outdated:

  • Reconciling time sheets, accounting for vacation leaves and overtime, and adjusting schedules takes a lot of time! What if the staff doubles in number for the next six months? The horror!
  • There’s a lot of room for error, whether intentional or not. Garbled handwriting, anyone?
  • Since it’s taking you forever to go over the time sheets, pay is most likely going to be delayed. Delayed pay means unhappy employees which, of course, leads to a decline in productivity.
  • It’s not shareable. Sure, you can have neat photocopies of the time sheets but at the end of the month, most of them are lost or mangled into pieces.

The Abominable Manual Time Clock

Many businesses still stick to the manual time clock because of its low cost. In comparison to time scheduling software, it’s obviously less expensive. But really, how certain are you that the time clock is saving your business money?

It could take a few seconds for an employee to punch in and out, yet much time is required to record and compile the raw data. In short, you need to hire an extra pair of hands to do all these things. The funds that you supposedly save goes into the daily wage of the employee who collects and processes the data.

Next, you could be paying for work that isn’t done in the first place! Enter buddy punching. It’s not common for one of your employees to text a co-worker to kindly clock in for him because he may be running late for work. Or worse, someone from production got a nasty hangover last night, can’t get to work, yet one of the team members clocked in for the absentee today because they’re BFFs.

And there’s the costs of time cards. It may look insignificant at first but the monthly costs could quickly add up, particularly if you’re adding more employees.

Lastly, like it’s deceitful sister – the paper-based time sheet, the manual time clock is a vast magnetic field for errors.

The Sinister Spreadsheet

What’s so sinister about the humble Excel spreadsheet?

Let’s talk about dueling spreadsheets. While there’s no princess to be saved nor kingdoms to be claimed, dueling spreadsheets can be a waste of time, money, and effort in the long run. This occurs when multiple versions of the same spreadsheet do not reconcile with each other.

This Smart Data Collective post explains dueling spreadsheets well:

It happens because the data in a desktop spreadsheet is not bound to a single source that everyone is working from. It may be a single source, but the data may be collected at different times. There may be changes to formulas or additions or deletions that take place, and not everyone is on the same version. This is what happens when spreadsheets are used in repetitive, collaborative enterprise processes.

Research by Ventana on the dueling spreadsheets scenario revealed that 43 percent of their respondents reported that it happens frequently or all of the time, and one-third (31%) find it happening for the most important process that utilizes spreadsheets.

Despite these findings, organizations continue to embrace spreadsheets because “they seem to believe that, like the weather, you can complain about these issues but you can’t do much to change the situation.”

Put an End to the Terrible Trio of Manual Scheduling and Attendance!

Now that we’ve revealed the evil ways of the terrible trio, the PayrollHero team would love to help you prevent the above mentioned pitfalls!

Our ridiculously client-focused approach guarantee that we’ll be with you as you battle your way out of the dark, ghastly world of manual scheduling and attendance. Isn’t it about time that you seek an automated time and attendance system that provides real value for what you’re paying for?

Get in touch with us today and we’ll help your business transition quickly to a seamless time and attendance management system!


Faster CI – Our Journey To Halving Our Test Runtimes

Warning, this post is a bit technical.  🙂

[Editors Notes] From time to time our engineers take a moment to write a post for our blog. From Adam our product manager writing about Scrum and Kaizen to Piotr writing about our Engineering Best Practices there is lots to read.  Vince has written on the blog before, his last post was about Adventure Engineering in Da Nang, Vietnam. Today, Vince thought that what he has learned about reducing our test runtimes might be helpful to startup community. Enjoy.

One of my biggest challenges for the past few weeks was to get our tests to complete within 10 minutes.

That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? There’s just one tiny detail which would make this journey all the more exciting: Our code takes 25 minutes on average to complete on 25 parallel build servers and It takes about 4 hours if you run it in one.

I made a quick survey with our engineers and we lose roughly around 3 hours per day waiting for CI to finish.

The plan was to selectively run tests and have cucumbers run only on specific branches — epic, develop and master. This means that every time something gets merged to those branches, cucumbers will run after rspecs. And of course, all this will run in parallel on 25 build servers.

How our code tree looks like:

|- master
|- develop
   |- epic/adding-a-thing-with-stuff
      |- feature/with-things  
      |- feature/with-stuff
   |- epic/the-thing-you-do
      |- feature/bla-bla-bla

We didn’t have a way to execute this plan with our current CI solution at that time so we had to find alternatives. We tried quite a few but most of them were either had limited features or were just simply too hard to get started.

Enter Codeship. It took me no more than 3 minutes to get my first build up and running…and of course, failing. Getting started with their ParallelCI wasn’t that hard either. How you configure your builds opened up a ton of possibilities including selective test runs.

To make our tests parallelize (is that even a word?) I had to use this neat little gem called parallel_tests.

Getting started with the gem is simple. You can execute a group of rspecs like so:

bundle exec parallel_test spec/ —verbose -n $TEST_GROUPS —only-group $TEST_GROUP —group-by $TEST_GROUP_BY —type rspec

$TEST_GROUP is an ENV variable that I set on each pipeline. Basically just the number of the pipeline. $TEST_GROUPS is the total number of parallel pipelines. This is 25 for us. $TEST_GROUP_BY is how we group our tests and that would beruntime for us.

That is one other thing you can do with parallel_tests is group by runtime information. Using this grouping took 2 minutes off of our test runtimes. Getting logs from parallel pipelines was a little bit tricky so I had to do a little scripting magic to gather logs from multiple pipelines and concatenating them back together.

It’s simple really, in the setup section I have two scripts: one to upload each log slice to S3 and the other to download the logs and put them together.

Links for reference, apologies for the terrible naming: – ConcatenateUpload

Now that the runtime logs are covered, it’s time to make the tests work. I have this bash script in our code:


bundle exec parallel_test spec/ —verbose -n $TEST_GROUPS —only-group $TEST_GROUP —group-by $TEST_GROUP_BY —type rspec

if [[ “$CI_BRANCH” =~ .*”$BRANCH_FOR_CUKES”.* ]] || [[ “$CI_BRANCH” =~ .*”master”.* ]] || [[ “$CI_BRANCH” =~ .*”develop”.* ]]
  echo “Running Cucumber…”
  bundle exec parallel_cucumber features/ —verbose -n $TEST_GROUPS —only-group $TEST_GROUP —group-by $TEST_GROUP_BY —type cucumber || true
  echo “Not running Cucumber”

Conveniently, Codeship has a bunch of ENV variables set inside test instances and one of those is $CI_BRANCH. I just simply check if the current branch running in CI matches either master, develop or what I configured in the settings, it will run Cucumbers after RSpecs.

Finally, this is what our setup and pipeline configuration looks like:

codeship vince paca

This entire approach got our RSpec builds down to an average of 6 minutes and our entire suite to 13 minutes from 25 minutes.

Huge props to the Codeship team for helping out with the transition and thanks for the swag! 🙂

Editors note: This post was originally published here.

Watch Our Singapore Payroll In Action

Would you like to see our Singapore payroll platform run a payroll? Rohit in our Singapore office put together a quick video to show you how easy it is to run a payroll for your Singapore based business. Check it out below:

Want to learn more about our Singapore payroll platform? Reach out and one of our team would be pleased to get on a call with you to discuss your needs.

Quickbooks Philippines

quickbooks philippines manilaWe have added a new tool to PayrollHero that enables companies in the Philippines to export a QuickBooks journal entry for easy use within your Quickbooks account. This is a formatted QuickBooks Journal Entry report for a specified period that can be imported into the QuickBooks accounting software.

The end result looks like this:

quickbooks philippines

Check out the complete details on how PayrollHero and Quickbooks can work together.

If you are interesting in learning more about PayrollHero’s Philippine product, visit us at One of our team would be pleased to speak one on one to learn more about your needs.

Do you use Xero? Let us know how we can help with your Xero integration.

Deepavali | Singapore Holiday

Singapore Holidays

Diwali or Divali (also known as Deepavali, Tihar and the “festival of lights“) is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated in autumn every year.[5][6] The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness.[7][8][9] The festival preparations and rituals typically extend over a five-day period, but the main festival night of Diwali coincides with the darkest, new moon night of the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika. In the Gregorian calendar, Diwali falls between mid-October and mid-November.” *wikipedia


Hari Raya Haji | Singapore Holiday

Singapore Holiday

Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحىʿīd al-aḍḥā [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæ] meaning “Festival of the sacrifice”), also called the Feast of the Sacrifice (Turkish: Kurban Bayramı; Bosnian: Kurban Bajram; Persian: عید قربان‎, Eid-e qorban), the “Major Festival”,[1] the “Greater Eid“, Baqr’Eid (Urdu: بقر عید‎), or Tabaski (West Africa), is the second of two religious holidays celebrated by Muslimsworldwide each year. It honors the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his promised son, Ishmael (Ismail)a, as an act of submission to God’s command, before God then intervened, through His angel Gabriel (Jibra’il) and informs him that his sacrifice has already been accepted. The meat from the sacrificed animal is preferred to be divided into three parts. The family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.” *wikipedia


PayrollHero Scoop (Take 1)

The PayrollHero Interns in our Singapore office put together a Restaurant News Cast for Singapore. What do you think of their first attempt? Would you like to see more videos like this? Let us know by dropping us an email and posting a comment below.

Want to learn more about the restaurant scene in Singapore? Philippines? Download our Knowledge Kits now (free) for a boat load of helpful information for opening a restaurant.