Philippine Payroll Software: Update to Attendance Review

philippine payroll software

We have made some changes to the attendance review page so that it shows exactly what is happening with a certain employees attendance. Has it been resolved? Were they absent? What time did they clock in and out? Now it all shows up neatly in a single screen for you to review. (see above)

Also, we added that same level of detail to the employee side. Now employees can log into their personal PayrollHero accounts and see what happened with their clock in and out, if infractions have been resolved, holidays, etc. (see below)

attendace philippine payroll software

If you have any questions feel free to contact us by responding to this post in the comments or emailing support at

New Feature: Additional Threshold Settings

philippine payroll software

PayrollHero’s resolve attendance functionality is a robust tool that lets your managers make decisions on infractions coming from employee time and attendance. PayrollHero not only tracks employee time and attendance data, but serves up powered analytics so that the employee and management can see the results. Plus, the resolve attendance tool tracks what infractions are being adjusted to and who is doing the adjusting. It is a fantastic way to have your finger on the pulse of your teams time and attendance.

We added 3 more thresholds to make managing attendance even easier.

1. Unscheduled Work:

We have added the ability to auto resolve unscheduled work. With this setting you can decide if you would like auto approve certain amount of time for your employees shift, or consider certain amount of time as part of the schedule.

For example:
Hiro has a 9am to 5pm shift. He clocks out at 5.45pm.
If Submit as is is configured for 60 minutes, 45 minutes will be added to Hiro’s shift without you having to resolve this attendance.
If Revert to Schedule is configured for 60 minutes, Hiro’s clock out will revert back to 5pm without you having to resolve this attendance.

If Hiro has the same 9am to 5pm shift and he clocks out at 6.15pm, and either of this settings is configured for 60 minutes you will have to resolve his attendance.

resolving attendance payroll dtr

You can find more details about setting up the Unscheduled Work threshold on our Automatically resolving unscheduled work Knowledge Base article.


2. Undertime

This threshold gives you the ability to auto resolve under time work. With this, you can auto submit as is or revert to schedule certain amount of time when an employee does not complete the shift.

For example:
Hiro has a 9am to 5pm shift. He clocks out at 4.55pm.
If Submit as is is configured for 15 minutes, 5 minutes will be subtracted from Hiro’s shift without you having to resolve this attendance.
If Revert to Schedule is configured for 15 minutes, Hiro’s clock out will revert back to 5pm without you having to resolve this attendance.

If Hiro has the same 9am to 5pm shift and he clocks out at 4.30pm, and either of this settings is configured for 15 minutes you will have to resolve this attendance.

dtr undertime

You can find more details about setting up the Undertime threshold on our Auto resolution of Undertime Knowledge Base article.

3. Multiple Clock Ins / Outs

This threshold is particularly useful for employees that forgot if they did or not clock in already and clock in again to make sure before the system gets to update, and for settings where the internet connection is a bit unstable and employees clock in or out multiple times because their status not being updated.

With this threshold you can configure the amount of time between 2 or more clockings to be considered the same.

So for example Hiro clocks in at 9.00am and a bit unsure if he had clocked in or not correctly because internet was down that morning at his office, he goes back and clocks in again at 9.03am.
If this threshold is configured for 5 minutes:

Use the earliest clock in as their clock in time: Hiro’s 9.03am clock in is ignored and no duplicate clock in will need to be resolved as the 9.00am is submitted automatically.
Use the latest clock in as their clock in time: Hiro’s 9.00am clock in is ignored and no duplicate clock in will need to be resolved as the 9.03am clocking is submitted automatically.

With this setting we are confident that most if not all duplicate clocking resolutions will be gone!

attendance management tool

You can find more details about setting up the resolution for Multiple Clockings on our Multipliers Knowledge Base.


Chinese New Year Comes to PayrollHero | #SelfieCNY

PayrollHero is about to release new props into our iOS TeamClocks celebrating Chinese New Year. In the next few days, clients who use the iOS TeamClock for clock in and out will notice some fun, new, Chinese New Year themed props.

PayrollHero’s facial recognition based platform is not only effective, it is fun. Employees love the engagement aspect of our platform and the props just make it even more fun.

Here is a sneak peek of what you can expect;

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15 Reasons Why You Should Use PayrollHero’s TeamClock iOS

Here are 15 reasons why you should use PayrollHero’s TeamClock iOS for your time and attendance needs.

  1. Simple, easy to use Time and Attendance tool
  2. It can function offline (for when you have internet interruptions)
  3. Kiosk Mode can include Customer Feedback tool
  4. Kisok Mode can include Apply for a Job tool
  5. Managers can edit schedules right through the app
  6. You can lock down the iPad with Guided Mode (free, part of Apple’s iOS) so employees and customers can’t access other apps
  7. Quality hardware that has the power to operate quickly
  8. Fantastic camera that takes perfect photos
  9. Employees can see their past clock photos on the home screen
  10. Employees can view their upcoming schedules
  11. TeamClock can be set to auto-update
  12. Wifi and cellular option
  13. PayrollHero releases new feature to iOS first
  14. PunchClocks are prone to fraud (ie. buddy punching)
  15. Bio-metric machines are built for a single purpose

Need more reasons? Contact us and we would be pleased to speak with you about your needs and how PayrollHero can help.

12 Reasons Why Emerging Markets Rock

employee count in the philippines

Most software as a service (SaaS) companies focus on the US market, or other western countries with little regard for emerging markets. While there are definitely challenges with focusing on emerging markets (internet, power, traffic, corruption, to name a few) there are some big advantages.

For example, the above photo was taken at a department store in the Philippines. In this photo, of one of the many areas of the 3 floor department store has no less than 12 employees. For a company like PayrollHero that charges based on employee count, you can see why we like emerging markets. In Canada or the US, if I took the same photo, you would be lucky to see 1 employee.

But it is not all as easy as it seems. These employees are actually not employees of the department store but rather merchandisers who work directly for the brands they are standing beside. So while you might see 12 employees, they most likely work for 12 different companies. Making selling a product or service to them a bit more of a challenge.

But still, employee counts in restaurants, retail, etc are usually much higher in emerging markets due to the cost of labour.

Would you like to learn more about PayrollHero? Contact us and we would be pleased to speak further or visit our country specific websites; Philippines, Singapore with the rest coming soon.

PayrollHero’s New Customer Feedback Tool (Beta)

Collect customer feedback in real time and get the results in the palm of your hand. Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 12.50.15 PMWe are launching the newest tool to the TeamClock, Customer Feedback. Now within your TeamClock iOS your employees can not only clock in and out for work, view their schedules and give feedback to management via the Daily Pulse but customers can get involved too.

Introducing Customer Feedback within the kiosk mode of PayrollHero’s TeamClock. We have launched the beta version of the Customer Feedback tool within Krispy Kreme, a PayrollHero Lab and will continue to roll out the product across their stores in the Philippines.

Customer Feedback lets your customers quickly and easily “like” a specific employee or the whole team right through the TeamClock iOS app. And in turn, those “likes” show up in the Xray Insights app in real time.  It’s time to rethink your punch clock!

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Want to see it in action? I shot a quick video that shows the Customer Feedback tool in action and how the data shows up in real time within the Xray Insights app.

Below is what the kiosk homepage looks like within Customer Feedback. It can be designed for any retail or restaurant brand.

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Did you notice the “Apply For A Job” button? More details on that soon…

July PayrollHero Unwrapped Caravan (CBTL, Philippines)

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PayrollHero’s Unwrapped Caravan is back in the Philippines for July and now is your chance to register. Our partners at New Leaf Ventures will be touring around Metro Manila showcasing PayrollHero at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf locations.

Want to join in? Register here. Don’t worry, they are free and a great way to see a live demo of PayrollHero and to learn more about how our time, attendance, scheduling, HRIS and Philippine payroll platform works.

Check out what Mita, from New Leaf Ventures has to say…

Get Registered For Upcoming TAS Certification


We have two TAS Certifications coming up in Manila, Philippines and there are a few spots left. TAS Certification is all about PayrollHero’s time, attendance, scheduling and HRIS. Getting certified means you have all of the skills needed to get the most out of PayrollHero.

Register Now: 

Manila, Philippines:
May 22-23 — TAS Certification – Register
May 27-28 — TAS Certification – Register