Update: Flex Schedules Is Here


Clients have asked us about the ability to have flex schedules. The vast majority of our clients have pretty ridged schedules, but there is always an employee or two that has a bit of a flexible schedule. Their time still needs to be tracked, but their start and end time is more flexible. Now, within PayrollHero, you can use the MyClock Web to enable flexible schedule employees to clock in and out without the need for a schedule.

Questions? Reach out to our team for more information or check out the knowledge-base article.

5 Reasons You Should Never Be Late ~ #BePunctual

blog-post-reasons-lateI have heard “Island Time” or in the Philippines “Filipino Time” as a way of justifying why you are late. Of course, one of PayrollHero’s missions is to help employees be punctual for their jobs, so I thought it would be a good topic for a post on 5 reasons why you should never be late.

1. It is Disrespectful
When you are late, you are telling the person that you are meeting with that your time is more important that their time.  It shows a lack of respect and common courtesy to others.

2. It is Stressful
Or it should be. When your running late, you worry about the repercussions at work, with your appointment, etc. Lower your stress and plan your travel time accordingly. Your body will thank you for it.

3. It Can Cause a Chain Reaction
When you’re late, it makes other people late.

4. Bad Reputation
Being known for tardiness is never a good thing and is a hard reputation to shake.

5. Its not Professional
As you move forward in your work life, tardiness is less and less accepted. Best to get in good habits right from the start!

How can you improve your punctuality? 

– move closer to your job
– budget more time for your commute
– take weather conditions into account when leaving for work
– leave enough time between appointments to account for traffic delays
– change you mode of transport if it is the cause of your tardiness

What are your ideas on how to improve? 


Walden Chu, President of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Philippines

The President of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Philippines, Walden Chu, was invited by the CBTL Group to speak at their global conference for all country franchisee owners in late 2013 in Los Angeles. At the conference he covered his experience with PayrollHero and how it has helped his 70 location coffee chain operate in the Philippines.  Here is the complete video as well as a shortened version just on his PayrollHero comments. Enjoy!

Event: PayrollHero Unwrapped


Our partner at New Leaf Ventures in Manila, Philippines is having a PayrollHero Unwrapped event. This is a fantastic way to get a hands on look at how PayrollHero works and what it can do for your business.  From their website:

We’re unwrapping PayrollHero for you! Learn how this simple and easy-to-use software can help transform your business!

PayrollHero is a Time, Attendance, Scheduling, HRIS and Payroll app that is built for web and mobile.

Employees can clock in/out using facial recognition technology, giving “accuracy” a whole new meaning.

Scheduling, as well as viewing schedules, is as convenient as a single click.

Payroll computation is exact as it is built for the Philippines. You don’t have to worry about computing different types of pays– be it Night Time Differential, Holiday pay, Double shifts etc.

You will also have access to a set of analytics that will help you make important decisions for your business.

The best thing? Everything is in real-time.  Space is limited, Register Now! 

Double Holidays and How it Affects Your Company in the Philippines


Interested in PayrollHero? Sign up today and get 90 days free! – USE PROMO CODE 90DHBP2018

“The Double Holiday” while rare can occur when two or more holidays happen to land on the same day such as Araw ng Kagitingan falls on the same day as Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. These have a different impact on wage rates compared to typical Regular Holidays.  In the case of the Double Holiday, the covered employee shall be entitled to at least 200% of his/her basic wage even if the day is unworked. For an employee who is required to work on the Double Holiday, he or she is entitled to the 200% plus an additional 100% of the basic wage equaling 300% percent total of the basic wage. Obviously this is truly important to understand from both a managerial perspective and as an employee.

Did You Know Smiling Can Actually Improve Your Health?

PayrollHero Smile (yellow)Ever notice that moment when you smile at someone and they instantly smile back, almost unknowingly – why is that? The reason is because humans react biologically. When you see someone smile it triggers the same neurons in the brain that react if you were to smile yourself. Years of research have shown that the simple act of smiling elevates both your mood and that of those around you. Your stress levels are reduced just by having a grin on your face no matter who is around which also lowers your heart rate levels after daunting tasks. The most incredible part is that these results are not only caused by being emotionally happy, your mood will still be elevated to the same extent even if you are faking a smile! The motion of creating a smile a few times a day real or fake is by far the easiest way to help improve moral in an office and consequently your health as well.

When we first started creating the concept that is PayrollHero, we wanted to improve the experience someone has coming to work and knew that this idea of elevating mood was important. We can all agree using a punch clock or time card can likely have a negative impact on your mood as it stands as a reminder of just starting a long day. If you could start your day with a smile and a tone that sets the pace for the rest of the day for you and your employees wouldn’t you try to? Our software is designed so you see all your colleagues smiling faces and goofy grins everyday to help create that desired effect of uplifting your mood and experience. We want to help elevate the happiness in your organization, check out our site PayrollHero.com to see more about our TeamClock and MyTimeClock that allow employees to clock in and out with just a picture and a better start to their day.

Source: Forbes.com

What We Are Reading At PayrollHero

Hirowallpaper1One of our core values at PayrollHero is incremental improvement (Kaizen) and part of that means constantly learning new things.  I asked some of our team what they are reading at this moment, here is what they said:

Stephen Jagger – Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross

Brandon Strong – Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords” by Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd

Tin Sanchez – Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Dane Natoli – The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

Mylene Seyeux – The Devil Wears Prada’ by Lauren Weisberger (french version)

Bram Whillock – Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey

What are you reading?

Rethink The Punch Clock

Square is talking about rethinking the receipt, Pete Smart wants to rethink the airline boarding pass – here at PayrollHero we have been working to rethink the punch clock.
558807_586321464714260_1980562514_nTraditional punch clocks are bulky, easily manipulated, offline, paper based and enable time theft. We have met with countless business owners who have complained about the issues with their punch clocks and the desire for a new way to handle employee time and attendance.

We sat down a couple years ago and rethought the punch clock and how it should work. Of course we wanted something cloud based, that eliminated fraud and time theft and was easy to use. The biggest challenge we wanted to tackle was how employees perceived the device. Employees hate the punch clock. They don’t enjoy the process of clocking in and out for work. We understand the importance or accurate time and attendance but wanted to rethink how we could collect this information while making it an enjoyable process for employees.

Screen shot 2013-11-21 at 5.48.29 PMIntroducing the TeamClock (iOS) and MyTimeClock. We began with photos, and built a platform that lets employees clock in and out for work by taking a picture of themselves. We added IP address support as well as GPS location so that we can ensure that the right employee is in the right place at the right time.

The big benefit – employees love it!

We added props to the clock in screen, random background images, social sharing functionality and there is more coming.  Check out PayrollHero.com for more details about how our time, attendance, scheduling and analytics platform works.

You can see PayrollHero’s TeamClock Web in action here at Krispy Kreme:

What is Buddy Punching?

Hoverbar Twelve SouthAccording to the Urban Dictionary, buddy punching is “when a person at work clocks in (“punches in”) their friend when their friend is late to work.”

It is a common occurrence in many companies, organizations and even governments who use traditional punch clocks, passwords or pen and paper to track their employees time and attendance.  An employee contacts another employee asking them to clock in for them as they are running behind.

While not a small cost to your business, buddy punching really ads up.  Imagine an employee is 9 minutes late every day but has a colleague clock them in.  9 minutes a day, times 5 days a week times 52 weeks a year equals  2340 minutes which is 39 hours. Those 9 minutes a day add up to almost a full week off over a 1 year period.  Now imagine you have this happening with 20, 50 or 500 employees. Those costs really add up.

How can you eliminate buddy punching? 

PayrollHero’s selfie TeamClock uses your employees face as the metric for clocking in and out, eliminating buddy punching.  Plus, PayrollHero can be locked down to specific IP addresses and is location aware on iOS devices adding another level of security.


Here is the iPad TeamClock in action at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf: