Top 5 Excuses for Being Late to Work

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We have all been there, watching the clock before you start work knowing that you are not going to make it on time. It is not a great feeling and it only becomes worse when it is something clearly your own fault, but that doesn’t mean you don’t hear a few good excuses from tardy colleagues. Here is our list of the top 5 most common excuses for being late.

5. Heavy line up getting food/coffee before work

4. Family/kids event held me up

3. Alarm didn’t wake me up

2. Weather implications

1. Traffic

I am sure most of you agree traffic is the easiest candidate to blame for being late (except in Whistler) as it can be unexpected, uncontrollable and downright restricting on your day especially in countries like Philippines where congested transportation is a major issue. However we wanted to remind you from PayrollHero how important being punctual and on time is. Planning your day and taking weather into account is your first step to being more timely. Being late consistently will hinder both your career prospects and colleague relationships. Disappointing or letting down your team is the easiest way to lose respect in a workplace and create tension among your coworkers.

With this list however, we want to ask you what is the best excuse for being late you have ever heard? We have all heard quite a few so I encourage you to share the most memorable one you have ever heard in the comments below!

Happy EDSA Day!


EDSA which stands for “Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue” is a Special Holiday only for schools to remember the public civil resistance demonstrations in Manila during 1983 to 1986.  Thousands of people spoke out on the injustice of regime violence and electoral fraud for months on end. It is also commonly referred to as the People Power Revolution or the Yellow Revolution because of the many yellow ribbons that were seen during the demonstrations that followed Benigno Aquino Jr.’s assassination.

#BePunctual And Win with UBER and PayrollHero

Screen Shot 2014-02-05 at 10.28.28 AMUBER has launched in the Philippines to much fan fare. Their private car service is a great addition to the current transportation options and is a great way to travel.

Want to give it a try?…. FREE.

UBER has partnered with PayrollHero to provide free rides to punctual employees. All you have to do is consistently show up for work on time and you could win a free UBER ride.

For those that don’t know how UBER works, they are a technology company that provides an app to make it quick and easy to find a ride.

From their website; “UBER is evolving the way the world moves. By seamlessly connecting riders to drivers through our apps, we make cities more accessible, opening up more possibilities for riders and more business for drivers. From our founding in 2009 to our launches in over 70 cities today, Uber’s rapidly expanding global presence continues to bring people and their cities closer.”

My favorite features of UBER… emailed receipts with exact trip details, cashless (no need to argue with driver about his lack of change), slick app that lets you see where the vehicle is and a rating system so that you can provide feedback on the driver or vehicle.

Want to give UBER a try?

#BePunctual and you could win!


5 Reasons To Start A Business In The Philippines

A little while ago we shot a video with some business owners/managers that were getting their businesses rolling in the Philippines.  Five of the reasons they gave for doing so are:

1. Heart of Southeast Asia
2. Fast Economic Growth
3. Big Local Market, 100,000,000 people
4. English
5. Service Oriented

Watch the full video here to learn more about operating a business in the Philippines;

5 Old School Ways To Track Employee Attendance

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 10.27.50 AMCompanies all over the world want (read: need) to keep track of employees time. From being aware of their start time / end time, to knowing how late or early they are from their scheduled time, knowing the time and attendance of employees is important.  There are many ways companies try and achieve this;

1. Traditional Punch Clock
2. Manual Hand Written Journal
3. Excel / Google Doc for Attendance
4. Bio-metrics (finger scanner)
5. Honor System

Each have their drawbacks and 4 out of 5 enable massive fraud. Time theft is a big problem in companies and adds up quickly. Imagine an employee who is 5 minutes late for work and leaves 4 minutes early. 9 minutes a day, times 5 days, times 52 weeks is 39 hours a year in paid but unworked time.  Almost a full week!  Now imagine you have multiple employees doing this.  How much time theft is your company allowing?

Check out PayrollHero’s Time, Attendance, Scheduling and Analytics platform – we eliminate buddy punching, ghost employees and make it fun for employees to clock in and out for work.

Attend our Webinar Hosted by Brandon this Wednesday 4pm PST!


This Wednesday February 19th at 4pm PST or Thursday February 20th at 8am if you are in the Philippines, I will provide a webinar that is focused on our time, attendance and scheduling application of PayrollHero.

Who should attend?
This is intended for business owners and HR managers in restaurants, BPO businesses, hotels, retail and any other business that is reliant on hourly paid employees.

What is PayrollHero?
PayrollHero was designed to help prevent time theft in your business that costs businesses in the United States billions of dollars every year. Around 74% of organizations worldwide suffer from buddy punching and we want to help you eliminate that in your business (Nucleus research, global provider of IT advisory and research services.) I will get to show you first hand how the platform works and how it can help your company manage your staff!

What do I need to attend?
All you need to attend is a Skype account and a microphone if you wish to ask questions which are always welcome.

Sign up for this webinar on our site and I will contact you by email to receive your Skype account and add you to the conversation.

Hope to meet you soon!


#BePunctual and Win with


Our friends at have given us a few Gift Certificates for P500 off new glasses. For the punctual PayrollHero employees out there, this might be your chance to get some new glasses. For your chance to win, just make sure you are early for work!!

Never heard of FourEyes? They are 1st online eyewear store in the Philippines. Plus…

“For every pair of eyewear that you buy from, we would donate a pair of FourEyes prescription eyeglasses to someone in need of eyewear. We work with various recognized partner charities in making sure that the glasses are delivered directly to them.”

So don’t be late!

Update: Change Multiple Employee’s Schedules at the Same Time

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Now within your PayrollHero account you can manage multiple employee’s schedules at the same time. This added functionality makes it easier to manage your team and their corresponding schedules.

You can find this functionality by clicking on “Employees” then “Schedules” within your account. You need to have some administrator controls in order to do this.

There is lots more coming… if you have suggestions feel free to let us know.

Update: Salary Function For Philippine Payroll

Great news!

We’ve just released a new pay mode setting called “Salary”. This feature can be used for your employees who don’t clock in/out on the system but are still part of your payroll, meaning, you can still generate payroll without clocking in/out or resolving attendance.


How this feature works – the system pays the employees their salary for a specific pay period without any lates and overtime.

To summarize our pay mode features, here’s a table of what we have on the system:


* If attendance has not been published, a notification would show up and say that “Sorry we can’t generate your payroll until all work days have been published. Please publish the needed attendance.”

** If they need deductions or additional pay, you can create specific “payments” on their employee profile.

So if you currently have clients who are paid a “Salary” here’s how you can edit the pay mode.

Interested in signing up for PayrollHero? Signup online.


Company Atmosphere and How it Relates to your Turnover Rate

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There is this great feeling when you are happy to be at work because of your team and commitment to a company that somehow overrides the daily headaches and objectives before you. Those who have experienced this feeling of belonging to an organization can tell you how hard it is to leave a company to which they owe great friends, memories, experiences and lessons from. It all comes back to company culture and it’s incredible spill over benefits when things are right. You have seen it in the news and articles how big companies like Google, Zappos, Facebook, Mind Valley in Asia and several others have created incredible office spaces built to be true work paradises with an easygoing relaxed atmosphere. Companies strive to achieve this because they know it allows employees to be creative with great imaginative new measures and feeling comfortable at work has proven benefits. Recruiting talent is much easier in companies that offer more perks than just a benefits package.

Besides just having a great working environment, creating a community of close colleagues has incredible effects on the staff moral and job satisfaction. People have been proven to tolerate jobs they don’t enjoy simply because of the people they work with.  In fact in a study done on “WorkForce Retention” by American Psychological Association, more than 56% percent of participants stated their connectivity to their organization and co workers as a reason for staying at their current job.  With over 67% stating that the reason as their job fits in well with their life, you cannot ignore the importance of creating a great company atmosphere to engage and retain human talent. Here at PayrollHero we like to do activities together such as golf ranges, mountain biking, traveling and group meals on top of offering a ROWE (Results Only Work Environment) to attract great employees.

We designed our software to encourage a positive workforce and help brighten the moods of staff members from what used to be a mundane process to a fun and engaging way to be welcomed to work. Let us help change the environment at your business, feel free to contact us.