Current Analytics Available via PayrollHero

Editors Note: This is another post by Kieran Peppiatt, Head of Client Success at PayrollHero.  Due to the overwhelming interest in our new Xray Insight pages he put together this post that explains the business intelligence that you can glean from PayrollHero.

With the launch of our new Xray Insights app we get a lot of customers asking us about what analytics we currently have on offer so I thought I share what is currently available. That said, we’d love to hear what you want to know about your employees.  We are constantly looking at ways to improve this area of PayrollHero and would welcome your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.

Attendance Analytics

My Attendance

Here individual employees can see their own attendance for the current month. They can also view their overall ranking in the company and their correlation on specific dates against the company averages.

time and attendance analytics

Company Attendance Leaderboard

On this page you can see your employees overall ranking within the company. This is done by early, lates and absences.

You can also see a leaderboard of the employees with perfect attendance.

absence attendance statsearly birds attendance statslates attendance stats


Here you can see how things like the weather and commute distance affect your company’s attendance. Do more people come in late when it’s cloudy, or do people call in sick when it’s raining? Here you can see if weather has any correlation with your employee’s attendance

You can also see how the commute distance of your employees affects their punctuality.

weather effect time and attendance

Xray Insights

Xray insights is available for iOS devices. It is designed for company leaders who need a quick snapshot or insight into how their company is performing. The app is currently in beta and the reason for this is because we are looking for feedback from our clients on what snapshots they would like to view. If you’re management, leader or company owner please tell us the sort of information you would like to be able to view from your company in the comments below.


We speak to a lot of HR people and business owners and one thing they want to know is what their average employee looks like. With the overview page of Xray insights you can see that in an instant. It tells you what percentage of your company is male/female, the average gender, age and tenure of your employees.
phone-overview ios stats

Staffing Levels

Ever wondered who is working at your worksites right now?  Sometimes it’s good to know where your people are. Being able to get quick insight to if one of your branches is under or overstaffed is invaluable. With the staffing levels page on Xray Insights you can do exactly that.

Attendance Analytics

Just like the attendance feed in the app you can get the same information straight from your phone. We really appreciate that running a business can lead to a hectic lifestyle and your not always in front of a computer. We wanted to make sure that you can access the information that is important to you where ever you are.

iPad Only

Customer Feedback

Ever wanted to know which of your employees were doing a great job? Customer feedback lets your customers give a thumbs up any employee who wows them. You can then view the leaderboards to see who your customers love or who you might need help get ridiculously customer focussed!  The rankings for this are viewable via the Xray Insights app.

Daily Pulse

Ever wanted to get real feedback from your employees that isn’t biased or based any single employees opinion. Daily Pulse allows you to take measurements from your “crowd” of employees. Currently you can find out which employees are rated well by their peers. We will be introducing the ability to ask your own custom questions shortly.


For more information please contact us at support at


New Xray Insights iOS App Now Available

business intelligence payroll software

Do you want to learn more about your company?
Do you want to have real time business intelligence in the palm of your hand?
Who was late today?
Who is currently at a certain location?
Which employee gets the most “likes” from customers?

There is so much to see about your business using PayrollHero’s Xray Insights iOS app. You can download the newest version here and sign into your PayrollHero account. It is an awesome way to get real time data from your payroll software.

PayrollHero’s New Customer Feedback Tool (Beta)

Collect customer feedback in real time and get the results in the palm of your hand. Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 12.50.15 PMWe are launching the newest tool to the TeamClock, Customer Feedback. Now within your TeamClock iOS your employees can not only clock in and out for work, view their schedules and give feedback to management via the Daily Pulse but customers can get involved too.

Introducing Customer Feedback within the kiosk mode of PayrollHero’s TeamClock. We have launched the beta version of the Customer Feedback tool within Krispy Kreme, a PayrollHero Lab and will continue to roll out the product across their stores in the Philippines.

Customer Feedback lets your customers quickly and easily “like” a specific employee or the whole team right through the TeamClock iOS app. And in turn, those “likes” show up in the Xray Insights app in real time.  It’s time to rethink your punch clock!

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Want to see it in action? I shot a quick video that shows the Customer Feedback tool in action and how the data shows up in real time within the Xray Insights app.

Below is what the kiosk homepage looks like within Customer Feedback. It can be designed for any retail or restaurant brand.

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Did you notice the “Apply For A Job” button? More details on that soon…

Daily Time Records in the Palm of Your Hand

IMG_9401Are you looking to get more business intelligence in the palm of your hand? Check out PayrollHero’s Xray Insights (itunes) as it gives you exactly that. You can see your companies daily time records (DTR) in real time in our iOS app. You can quickly and easily see who has clocked in, where they clocked in, who is on break and if any clock in or out photos have been flagged. It is a quick and easy way to keep an eye on your business.

Within the Flag Wall tab of the Xray Insights you can see;

  • Employee Clock In/Out
  • Clock In/Out Status (ie. early, late)
  • Clock In/Out Location (ie. Rockwell Store)
  • Break In/Out
  • Mismatched Clock Photos

All in real time. Download the app today!


Xray Insights iOS App Live on the Apple App Store

Screen Shot 2014-07-28 at 12.04.29 PM Exciting news, our Xray Insights iOS App has launched in the app store and you can download it today.

As a business owner or manager, you need to have real time information in the palm of your hand so that you can not only monitor your business but make decisions with live, accurate information.  Check out Xray Insights from PayrollHero.

Download the app, type in your PayrollHero user name and password and you are on your way. Xray Insights will load and keep you up to date, in real time of the actively that is happening in your business. We have more features coming shortly, but please let us know what you think and how we can make it even better. Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us continue making products and features that clients love.  Here are some screenshots from the Xray Insights app:

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Introducing Daily Pulse; Insight Through the Wisdom of Your Entire Workforce

The first new feature to come out of the PayrollHero Lab is Daily Pulse. One of the things we noticed in many of our clients businesses was how the feedback loop worked within the company. Managers report about their teams to their immediate bosses and those bosses reported to their direct boss. The feedback was sometimes quite biased and it was not the whole story. We wanted to find ways to get feedback from the team to management in a quick and easy way.

Introducing: Daily Pulse


Every member of your team can now anonymously answer any question upon clock-out. Would you want to know what your workforce thinks of the following:

Whom does your team thinks best lives a core value?
Which co-worker do they find the most helpful?
Who should be the teammate of the month?

PayrollHero is your platform for market measurement of your important KPI’s.

Responses from Daily Pulse are one more point of data for management to make better informed decisions with.

We recommend decisions be made with evaluation of the ever growing data set PayrollHero provides and the qualitative recommendations of their leadership.

Daily Pulse does not attribute whom cast the vote publicly; this in combination with our evolving algorithms should thwart spoiled votes.

Want to learn more?  Contact us.


Upcoming: Time And Attendance Webinar


Join Brandon for the next Time, Attendance and Scheduling webinar. This free webinar is designed to showcase how PayrollHero works, how you can use it within your business and answer any questions that you have.

When: March 28th 2014 @ 11:00 Philippine Time
Where: Skype

What will you learn?

– How PayrollHero’s selfie clock in eliminates buddy punching and ghost employees
– How to schedule your hourly employees quickly and easily
– How automation works to make managing your team easier
– How resolving attendance infractions is quick, easy and in real time
– How our transparent, real time analytics helps your employees change their attendance behaviour
– How our multi-worksite functionality enables you to monitor your growing team
– How PayrollHero makes your managers job easier by sending out automated, timely emails based on attendance infractions
– How our human resources information system (HRIS) systemizes your HR team

Plus much much more. Sign up!

Top 5 Excuses for Being Late to Work

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We have all been there, watching the clock before you start work knowing that you are not going to make it on time. It is not a great feeling and it only becomes worse when it is something clearly your own fault, but that doesn’t mean you don’t hear a few good excuses from tardy colleagues. Here is our list of the top 5 most common excuses for being late.

5. Heavy line up getting food/coffee before work

4. Family/kids event held me up

3. Alarm didn’t wake me up

2. Weather implications

1. Traffic

I am sure most of you agree traffic is the easiest candidate to blame for being late (except in Whistler) as it can be unexpected, uncontrollable and downright restricting on your day especially in countries like Philippines where congested transportation is a major issue. However we wanted to remind you from PayrollHero how important being punctual and on time is. Planning your day and taking weather into account is your first step to being more timely. Being late consistently will hinder both your career prospects and colleague relationships. Disappointing or letting down your team is the easiest way to lose respect in a workplace and create tension among your coworkers.

With this list however, we want to ask you what is the best excuse for being late you have ever heard? We have all heard quite a few so I encourage you to share the most memorable one you have ever heard in the comments below!

Use PayrollHero To Help With Staffing Needs During Storms

Screen shot 2013-08-19 at 9.10.55 PMThe weather in Southeast Asia plays havoc with businesses, but specifically with restaurants and retail businesses every rainy season.  It is common that businesses don’t open, close down early or operate with less staff than required.  Today is no exception in the Philippines.

A weather storm has been on its way towards the Philippines for the last couple of days and as government, businesses and citizens prepare to deal with the consequences of the storm (read: massive flooding) I wanted to take a moment and share how PayrollHero is working to use data to help businesses cope with challenging weather systems.

As an example, take these three restaurants that are side by side in Fort Bonifacio;, TokyoTokyo and Wildflour.  The first 2 are closed and Wildflour is open but closing early.

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Screen shot 2013-08-19 at 9.17.57 PMNow there are many reasons why businesses close during storms.  Staff can’t make it to work, staff need to deal with issues at home, road flooding, Government advisory, etc. While it is good to keep that in mind, what I’m referring to here is using data within a restaurant or retail business to better understand your staffing needs.

Wildflour is quite busy today (which is normal for them) but if you look at the options for people who want food in their specific area, they are the only choice because they were the only one open today.  They are closing early, which the manager said was because they wanted to give the staff enough time to get home as many come from far distances.

What is the cost of being closed on a day like this? two days? three?

If you could find a way to be open, what is the profit? especially if your competition is closed?

So what does this have to do with PayrollHero?

When we first built PayrollHero we saw the trend of how weather effects employees time and attendance as well as how employee commute distance effects their time and attendance.  We decided that we could use data and see if we could track the correlation between those items and employee attendance.

Within every PayrollHero account there is an “Analytics” tab (beta) that shows management as well as employees how their time and attendance stacks up against their colleagues.  But one part of the analytics is built specifically for situations like this.

PayrollHero pulls in the weather for your office location and showcases it against employee time and attendance.  The idea is to give you an accurate idea of how weather effects your business.  Here are a couple examples:

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As we continue to expand on the data, the idea is that PayrollHero can help you anticipate how the upcoming weather will effect your workforce as well as enable employees to make travel decisions based on the weather.

Imagine if you could call extra workers in to replace workers who have not even called in to say they can’t make it to work.  

Commute Distance
The other data set we work with is the employees commute distance.  PayrollHero knows where the employee lives, as we need that data for payroll, but we use that data to correlate how far away an employee lives from their place of work and how that distance effects their time and attendance.

Employers and employees can see the data and the idea is to help them both make better decisions on where to live, where to work, etc.
Screen shot 2013-08-19 at 9.06.51 PMThere are many companies in Southeast Asia that pay a proximity bonus to employees who live closer to work as the employer knows that the closer they live, the less likely they are to miss work due to traffic, weather, etc.  In PayrollHero, we show this data to help everyone make better decisions on where to work and where to live.

Imagine you knew a storm was coming in and you could contact workers who live close to work to take the shifts so that you can stay open, keep your employee safe (ie. they don’t have to try and commute via flooded streets) and profit when others are closed! 

Interested to learn more?  Contact us as we would be pleased to setup a personal demo of PayrollHero. (signup here for a free, no obligation personal demo)
